Wrong Turn At Alpine
Season One: A local news team stumbles into a 'Mystery Lights Viewing Station’ in small town Alpine and the only way out is 'to get a healing' but who does these healings? A small group of under-qualified shamans who are currently under the suspicious eye of a menacing religious order called I.G.W.T.
Wrong Turn at Alpine is fantasy-adventure-comedy for those eighteen and older; it has lots of colorful language and some sexy scenes to make you laugh or blush or both.
Visit wrongturnatalpine.com to see a full list of credits.
Podcasting since 2023 • 8 episodes
Wrong Turn At Alpine
Latest Episodes
EP. 07 – ACT 3 : WHERE'S EDEN?
No one leaves property without a healing. House rules. Some leave. Some go. And still some folks don’t like it. But that’s okay. The Light’s here to stay. All you gotta do is take a wrong turn to see it. They got a Viewing Station. Just outside...
Season 1
Episode 7

EP. 06 – ACT 3 : WHERE'S EDEN?
It gets dark as the devil’s boots on property. The weather gets even more wacky. A coyote dances with a meteorologist. But The Light knows what it’s doing - even if the we don’t.Visit w...
Season 1
Episode 6

EP. 05 – ACT 2 : WHAT THE MUCK?!?
The reason the shaman came out of retirement and why The Light reappeared after 20 years makes sense now. And still, most folks don’t like it.Visit wrongturnatalpine.com to see a fu...
Season 1
Episode 5

EP. 04 – ACT 2 : WHAT THE MUCK?!?
Somebody sees The Light. Somebody disappears. The calvary takes on the shaman and her friends. If the news crew had stayed together - this would have been one hell of a story. Instead, they are held captive by the real and the unseen forc...
Season 1
Episode 4